Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 4: Meals


Cranberry Almond Cereal
1 Fruit
1 cup Nonfat Milk
1/2 Cup Low-fat Cottage Cheese

I am in general a fan of any kind of granola cereal or cereal like the Special K cereals. I was expecting to like this cereal in spite of the almonds which I'm not a fan of. I was right. The cranberries were awesome and again the small packaging was deceiving as I did get a fair amount. I didn't get my fruit or cottage cheese substitute in.

Morning Snack

Anytime Bar
1 Fruit

I was expecting to be getting sick of the chocolate and peanut butter anytime bar by this point but it still taste good and keeps me going until my next meal. Again, no fruit.


Cheesy Potatoes & Chicken
Spinach Salad
Jenny Dressing
Actually ate:
Salad Kit

I'm not quite sure how this happened, I think I was just looking at the wrong day on my menu, but I mistakenly thought that my lunch for this day was written as the Salad Kit, which for me this week was the Tuna Salad kit. Now, I do not eat mayonnaise. I do not like to look at, smell, touch or be anywhere near mayonnaise. I just find it absolutely revolting. However, this is JC tuna salad so I thought that there was a fair chance it wasn't going to have mayo in it ;) and I figured I'd try a bite.

Did not like it - at all. Too sweet and just weird and bad. This of course is not a fair judge on the salad kit because as I am, I don't like tuna salad. Therefore asking me to judge JC's tuna salad is not fair. I was just willing to take a bite and taste it. No good.

So I subbed out a regular can of lite Tuna and ate it on the provided salad kit crackers. Was very delicious. I did not have a salad with this meal. :( I'm not doing so good on my sides today huh?

Afternoon Snack

Cheese Curls

 Okay so, these cheese curls - really strange! I recently read someones posts on the JC forums and they had been talking about different JC meals that come with cheese on them. She referred to the cheese as "scary cheese". This term came directly to mind when taking my first taste of the JC cheese curls. They did not taste good. In fact they tasted weird and bad. But here's where it gets weird, I kept eating them because I was already doing so bad on eating my sides that I figured I needed these calories. As I ate them however, they went from tasting nasty to tasting not that bad - not good - but not that bad. I ate some more and they almost tasted kind of okay. By the time I finished the bag I wanted more! They tasted so good!

I don't know if JC is like doping the food or something lol but it was the strangest thing. There was no doubt in my mind that these cheese curls were the nastiest thing on the JC menu when I ate my first one and there was no doubt in my mind as I took my last bite that I could have eaten another three bags they were so good!

I'm really not sure what to make of this...


Meat Loaf with BBQ Sauce
Vegetables (minimum 1 1/2 cups)
1 Healthy Fat

I fixed this meat loaf, potatoes and carrots and broccoli in the microwave and then once again popped everything into the toaster oven. I know I keep saying this same thing over and over again, but the toaster oven made all the difference! It made the meat loaf taste more home made and the potatoes crispy and the veggies tasted like they were roasted with the BBQ sauce! Amazing! Totally a different meal than the mush that came out of the microwave. Everything was Delicious! This isn't my favorite JC meal but its up there pretty high on the list. The loaf tasted home made and had a really awesome flavor to it. The potatoes as I said were nice and crispy and the veggies were almost the best thing in the dish after I popped them in the oven. The mixture of BBQ sauce and the toaster oven crisping them made them taste like home made straight from the grill veggies. You can't beat that! Once again, I didn't eat my veggies. :( I fixed them, broccoli and carrots but I just couldn't eat anymore.

Evening Snack

2 Fruits
6 oz Nonfat Yogurt
2 Tbl Almonds 

Nada. I had non of it. Really slacking off here. :(

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